Why go Solar
Domenica Solar, a company of the Domenica Group, is the first company in Cyprus to offer you the opportunity to install a photovoltaic system and pay it back through monthly installments!
The group's vision is to allow as many of our fellow citizens as possible to generate their own energy, minimizing expenses on bills and making their premises more environmentally friendly.
The time has come when the increased electricity bill will now be a thing of the past.
Sharp increases in the cost of electricity , such as the jump in prices to 19.6% in 2018, may have sparked your desire to find effective ways to reduce electricity consumption.
The first way out that comes to mind is the institution of strict limits on the use of heating, air conditioning and household appliances. Many people choose this option while limiting their quality of life.
Another way to reduce your bill is to install a photovoltaic system or simply install solar panels that produce energy. Cyprus is ideal for solar energy production due to its geographical position that allows it to enjoy over 300 days of sunshine.
Measurement netting scheme (Net metering)
Net metering is a charging arrangement where consumers who generate electricity in their residential premises using a photovoltaic system can export the surplus to the electricity grid and use it to compensate for the electricity imported from the grid to the site during the applicable billing period. If consumption exceeds production, then the consumer will be charged the difference, while otherwise, the surplus production is transferred for use to the next (upcoming) billing period of two months. The final clearance will be reported in the last account for the financial year (February-March). Any surplus may not be carried over to the next billing year.
Therefore, an efficient system should be able to generate enough energy to meet your needs, without overproduction of power, as this overproduction will come with increased installation costs and the surplus will not be "bought" by the EAC.
Subsidies for the acquisition of photovoltaic measurement netting systems:
The grant scheme to encourage the "use of renewable energy and energy saving properties" offers subsidies to owners for the purchase and installation of photovoltaic metering netting systems. It should be noted that autonomous systems are not covered.
Initially, the project started on 12/03/2019 with an end date of 02/09/2019. However, in June, it was extended until 12 December 2020, or until available funding is used.
The program provides for 2 types of grants:
1. Basic subsidies for owners of existing homes
Residents can recover €375 per kWp of their photovoltaic system (provided the system was connected to the grid after 01/10/2019). Statistically, the majority of homes need photovoltaic power systems from 3 to 4kW.
Beyond 4kW, there is no subsidy under the project, as the total amount of subsidy in this category is limited to €1,500. Thus, a 4kW system will be subsidized with the same amount as a 10kW system.
2. Increased subsidies for vulnerable consumers.
Vulnerable groups are entitled to increased funding of €750 per kW of a photovoltaic system. The maximum total subsidy amount is €5000, so, again, no sponsorship of more than 5kW is offered for each home photovoltaic system.
Vulnerable consumers are:
* beneficiaries of social welfare benefits
* families with more than 3 dependent children, provided that the annual family income does not exceed the threshold set by the state (i.e. €51,258 increased by €5,112 for each child after the fourth)
* beneficiary of disability allowance
Economic Parameters
A 3kW system will produce about 5050 kWh per year, while a 4kW system will yield about 6700 kWh per year.
The estimated annual net savings on electricity bills will amount to around €1000 for a 3kwp photovoltaic measuring system and €1350 for a 4kWp system.
Required documents
Applications for participation in the net metering program or the grant application must be accompanied by the necessary documents (recent EAC accounts, title deeds, topographical plan and building permits).
This may seem quite time consuming, however, in practice, applications can be made by Domenica Solar, as a result of which the process is simple, easy and quick